v490 updates

Hello all, and Happy New Year! 🙂

It’s been a while from the last v490 update. I’ve had some issues at the end of last year and forgot to make a December build:

  • My Nexus 5 has died: I was trying to fix its Wi-Fi hardware and happened to broke the whole thing. Now I’m struggling with a Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Duos TV (long name, shitty hardware) until I buy a new phone. A good new phone in Brazil costs too much and some good brands are not available here (no Pixel, for example). I want to buy a OnePlus 5T soon from GearBest.
  • LineageOS 15.0 for LG G Pad 8: until now, mycax could make it boot, but no Wi-Fi and no sensors at all. He tried to use a modified aboot image but the device bricked. I’m gonna go back to work with him on this next month.
  • Co-advisor in a MS work: currently, I am spending much of my time being a Co-advisor Professor in a MS work. This is top priority for now.

I wish you all a happy flashing! 🙂

9 Comments on “v490 updates

  1. Happy New Year to all! Thanks a lot for maintaining V490’s rom and keep it alive! I wish you good luck with Lineage 15!

  2. You have done a really great job and my v490 is currently running Android 7.1.2!!! But i must say i am thinking of going back to Lollipop because everything is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow… Before i do it i thought it would be good to share it with you in case i am doing something wrong. (Using latest open Gapps package as suggested)

    • Hi, Panos.

      I also noticed the performance decrease. I think it is related to system updates (Android is getting heavier) and apps. My Nexus 5 is also not so fast as before. 🙁

  3. Hi just,

    I hope you are doing great! Just a quick question there.. Because I saw that you have dropped support for v490 I want to ask if it is possible to install the v480’s rom on my tablet. (I don’t need LTE.)

  4. Thanks a lot for this update surprise mate! It was really not expected! I’m downloading and start installing right away!

  5. Fiz todo o processo com o flashfy e o twrp. No entanto ao mandar reiniciar ele entra num fastboot loader e só da opção de reiniciar/reiniciar booloader ou poweroff. E nas duas primeiras opções a tela fica preta. Quando desligo volta no boot loader fast e fica nesse ciclo. Como posso fazer o tablet entrar no modo gráfico novamente?

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