LineageOS for G Pad 8: next builds

Hello, everyone! Let me talk about next builds of LineageOS for G Pad 8 (both Wi-Fi and LTE).

An official build for v480 will be ready soon. Until there, I’ll provide unofficial builds through this site (I have made a new build yesterday, you can download it now). As soon as we get an official build, I’ll make a post to tell everyone. Official builds will be made in a weekly basis and will be provided by LineageOS official download site.

v490 is not official. I’ll keep making monthly builds just like I was doing for v480.

So, how to know if there is a new build for v490? Just check LineageOS for LG G Pad 8 page. I won’t make a post for every new build anymore because there is no need to it.

As stated in a previous post (and in some comments), LineageOS doesn’t ship root anymore. But, they are now providing an official root package in Extras section of LineageOS download site. For v4xx devices, you will need the arm version. There is also an unroot package.

Before anyone asks, v400 unofficial builds will also be provided in a monthly basis and you can check them in

Happy flashing 🙂

14 Comments on “LineageOS for G Pad 8: next builds

  1. Hello, i am very happy that you still give us new roms. I am downloading again for v490 the newest rom. Thanks for the great news! I always checking your site!

  2. That’s awesome news!! You are doing such an amazing job reviving our tablets! What else can we say? ***THANKS A LOT***

  3. What changed in the new version for v480 (20170125)?
    My touchscreen is a little unresponsive, its kinda hard to click on small things and long clicking, feels weird, idk.

    • The rebranding (changing names from CM to LineageOS) and root removal were the changes in this new version.

      Some people are telling me about this touchscreen issue, but it’s hard to fix it because it doens’t happen in my device.

      If you are using LiveDisplay, try disabling it. I had performance issue because of it.

      • I used the last lineage rom 24.1 and it’s buggy again. Especially the touchscreen issue. I will go back to the previous rom. Can you check it or are you gonna have a new one?
        Thanks in advance

  4. Esta com um bug no brilho
    Não consigo aumentar nem diminuir
    Já tem alguns updates, sempre atualizo e não resolvê

    • No meu isso está acontecendo com o usuário padrão, mas funciona se eu adiciono outro usuário. Estou verificando.

      • Tem um bug tbm q eu formatei o tablet
        e quando eu vou fazer a primeira configuração, ele da erro e nao passa das 3 primeiras telas

        • O assistente da Google tá travando em dispositivos com 1 GB de RAM ou menos. Vá no TWRP e formate a partição system (Wipe -> Advanced). Depois instale o Lineage apenas. Faça o primeiro boot e só depois instale o GApps.

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