Development news

Hello, everyone. In this post, I’ll talk about the development of both MobSink and LineageOS.

First of all, I’ve made new builds of TWRP for v480 and v490. It is now version 3.1.0-0 and you can download it via the links below:

Also, as promised, there is a monthly unofficial build for v490, which you can download via the link in this blog’s LineageOS page.

Currently I’m trying to fix the Wi-Fi bug that prevents the device to automatically connect to a known Wi-Fi network. I suppose it is related to the vendor blobs I’m using. I also tried to make some improvement to touchscreen, since some people are reporting bad responses. I got some logcats from two of these users, but it gives no clue about the problem. Anyway, I’ll try again later (Wi-Fi is priority).

At last, MobSink is having some improvements for the new version. In this week, I coded a command-line tool to convert OpenStreetMap XML files to MobSink XML, so we can use real maps to simulate a Relevance-based WSN. Also, MobSink now allows to create a relevance schedule for sensors in a WSN (this will be documented this week in MobSink page).

That’s what I have to say by now. If you have any question, write a comment below.

31 Comments on “Development news

  1. Thank you so much that you keep developing this ROM! The last build is more responsive in terms of touch but it still has the WiFi auto-connect problem as you already said in your post. Other than that it’s amazing having the Nougat on our old tablet and the battery saving is pretty amazing! Hope you keep developing this ROM at least at the point of being bug free. 🙂

  2. Olá!
    Desde a atualização para a Rom Lineage14.1, venho sofrendo com a conexão Wi-Fi do meu aparelho. Quedas constantes da rede e sinal fraco são problemas corriqueiros durante a utilização do tablet no dia a dia.
    Recentemente, refiz a instalação da Rom mais atual disponível, utilizando o ‘gapps Super’ do site opengapps. Percebi que o pacote contém o app “google connectivity services”, aplicativo que ‘talvez’ faça a conexão funcionar corretamente, pois o aparelho volta a conectar o Wi-Fi de forma automática.
    Porém, após a reinicialização do tablet, o problema volta a ser presenciado, fazendo o aparelho voltar aos problemas anteriores.
    Espero poder ajudar com esse relato…
    Muito obrigado.

  3. Thanks for rom. The bugs I noticed this is wifi and not working to record video from the camera. Besides that, ok, the battery keeps quite long. I’m counting on improving the bugs found in the future.

  4. Eu estou tendo problemas para instalar a versão LineageOS 14.1 for v490: lineage-14.1-20170409-UNOFFICIAL-v490 no meu LG-v490…
    Já tentei duas vezes e dá erro na hora de instalar, diz que é incompatível! Qual será o problema?

    • Alterar o TWRP Isso é o que eu tinha e depois de mudar para esta versão instalada sem nenhum problema.

  5. Hi. I can’t install new version of Lineage OS built 20170409 because it seems like this file is corrupt.

    • Hey man! I know this is late but you got some more info about the roms? You have your own website or anything? Thanks for developing for our device tough 🙂

    • Amigo,caracteristicas ,desarrollo,fuentes de las roms.Donde se puede encontrar ese material?
      Saludos desde uruguay

  6. Amigo,caracteristicas ,desarrollo,fuentes de las roms.Donde encontrar informacion?
    Saludos desde uruguay.

  7. Utilizando esta rom las ultimas semanas;un unico detalle:en todas las actualizaciones he tenido problemas con el wifi.(se desconecta algunas veces al dia)Agradecido por tu trabajo. Saludos desde uruguay

  8. hello I have the v480 model and I have the same problem with the wifi connection , Im using official LineageOS

  9. Any news on the WIFI issue?

    I had a check with aLogcat. It reports the following issue:
    E/Wifiservice( 907): Permission denial: Need ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission to get scan results
    Maybe it is just a permission setting….
    Do you think this is related to the problem?

    Hope this will be fixed soon! Anyway, many thanks for your work.

  10. If you may, make public the TWRP source of these builds. It’s a GPL violation if you don’t as the original source is in GPLv3.

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